Wednesday, January 29, 2020

One team around the world Essay Example for Free

One team around the world Essay It is a report for Tesco. It is meant for showing an adult audience of investors how many stores Tesco has around the world. It tells the reader how Tesco is expanding world-wide. This document uses a number of presentation features. It is very formal and factual. There are two different types of charts used, firstly a stacked bar chart to show improvements over a number of years stacked bar chart shows the different areas of the world that Tesco has stores at the same time. Secondly, pie charts show the current situation of different aspects such as the number of employees in the UK, Asia and Europe. The line spacing changes a number of times through out the document. In the introductory paragraph the lines are on at least double spacing, whereas on the table the line spacing is single. To produce this high quality document you would have to use a spread sheet program such as Microsoft Excel to produce the graphs, charts and tables. Also a desktop publisher for the smart layout may have been used. The makers of this document would have use large monitors so they could see the whole thing at once. A colour laser printer would have been used so to produce high quality colour print outs quickly. A mouse, keyboard and processor would have also been used. The document uses tables charts and graphs to show information easily. Design guides have been used to make it satisfying to the eye and easy to make sense of the information. To frame the text large margins have been used. For what it is trying to say, it is very good at it. To improve it I would suggest putting a logo on it some where to make it clearer that it is from Tesco. Gloucestershire Governor Newsletter The document is called The Gloucestershire Governor Newsletter. It is designed for school governors this means it will be angled towards the older generation. It is designed to inform them about current affairs involving members of the Gloucestershire education council. On the front page of the newsletter, the writers have used two quite big pictures of the people featured in the main article; this helps support the text in the article. Bullet points are used to make the information easier to read and take in. Big, bold headings have been used to make it clear what the articles are about. To produce a document like this newsletter, a desktop publishing program would probably have been used so the writer could lay the text, photos and headings out easily. The text would have been drafted in a word processing program. E-mail may have been used to gather the articalls. Also, a program such as Paint Shop Pro might have been used to resize the images. To get the images on to the computer, a digital camera or scanner would have been. As well as a mouse, keyboard and processor an A4 monitor may have been used to allow the document to be viewed a whole page at a time. At the top of the page, there is a large heading saying The Gloucestershire Governor; next to this is the County Councils education logo to tell the reader who produced it. Under this is a text box with the date and issue number in. Then there are two articles, the first of which has two quite big photos with a caption thanking The Citizen. Both articles have a few sentences in bold out lining the contents of the piece. At the bottom of the page, there is a box with a thick border telling the reader whats inside the issue. The document does what it sets out to quite well. The document is easy to read and is very informative. The diction is angled towards the older generation. To improve it, I would standardise all the text to one font and align all of the heading to the centre. To improve it I would put both articles into columns. Year of the Teacher Review The document is a PowerPoint Presentation about the Year of the Teacher. It is aimed at school pupils aged between 11 and 16 year olds. It is designed to tell the pupils how some of the teachers at Deer Park got into teaching. It is meant to promote the Year of the Teacher scheme. On each slide of the presentation there is a photo of the teacher as a child as well as a recent photo of them teaching and a quotation in a speech bubble. The colour scheme is aimed to catch teenagers attention. All the slides have the same format; this is good as it makes it clearer to read and less confusing. To produce this presentation a word processor, such as Microsoft word, may have been used to draft the text content. An image editing program like Paint Shop Pro might have been used to edit and re-size the photos. PowerPoint was used to put all the information together. An Internet browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer may have been used to e-mail ideas around staff and to ask them to bring photos of themselves to him. A scanner and a digital camera would have been used to get the pictures onto the computer. A monitor, mouse and processor would also been used. As it is designed as a presentation you would not need a printer The document does what it is designed for very well. The photos of the teacher when they were teenagers and the music keeps the pupils interested and amused. Maplins: Despatch note to Mr Ling The document is a despatch note to Mr Ling for Maplins. The document is aimed to show customers the items they have ordered and should be in the package from Maplin Electronics. It also includes contact details of the company. The different types of presentation features used are contrasting colours to make it easy to tell the difference between the sections. Because the blue represents the headings, the pink represents the set information like the companys address. And the white has the information that changes for each customer such as what items they have ordered and how much they cost. They have also used A big logo in the corner of the document to distinguish what the company is called. They have used to different fonts to represent the information that appears on everyones bill and the information that changes depending on the persons whos bill it is so this is in a more clearer type. The software that may have been used to produce this document may have included a Desktop Publishing or a word processing package to draft the text and lay out the template. They may also have used a graphical editing program to design the logo. A spread sheet program would have been used to store the customers names and addresses that needed to be merged. The hardware that may have been used to produce a document like this one would have been a monitor, processor, mouse keyboard and, judging by the font and the perforated paper, a dot matrix printer. Dot matrix printers are very fast, cheap and reliable so they are good for printing letters such as this despatch note. However, they are very noisy. The document is clearly laid out so you can see each section. For example the amount to pay has a different colour around it. And it puts each part into a different box to keep every thing separate, so its easy to see the part you want to look at. The document shows what it needs to show without looking to complicate and confusing. To improve it, Maplins could put the total price in a larger font so it is easier to see.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Technology is Good :: Computer Science Technology

Technology is scientific developments that aid in problem solving and extend human capabilities. Its purpose is to help mankind, but often it has a negative effect. Guns were developed as a tool to protect oneself by killing the enemy. However, they?re often used for murder and on innocent people. Many more people die from the gun than are protected by it. Is the gun something that is harming the human race? Many argue that it is ?people who kill people?, not guns. Even if there weren?t guns, people would kill each other with different means. Although, the invention of something decidedly a weapon cannot be viewed as positive. Leaps and bounds have been made in the medicinal area of technology. Inventions of differing medicines and drugs have promoted the health of millions of people and even saved many of our lives. We no longer fear that influenza will be the death of us, nor any epidemics like the bubonic plague. This does not include third-world countries, which have been neglected and left behind. Not to mention that not all drugs turned out to be good. Many have horrible side effects and have been labeled ?bad? such as marijuana, cocaine, and LSD. Thousands of people are hooked to the stuff in ever downward-spiraling addictions. The internet is a wonderful communication network that connects the world and gives anyone access to billions of faucets of information anytime! With no effort at all you can talk to someone on the other side of the globe or buy something quite easily from an online store. The negative side, however, is that it can be dangerous, too. With lurking viruses and spy ware, are people out to steal your identity always looming. A great trafficker of porn and tons of false information, the internet can be highly addictive. The piracy rates have soared with free music downloads and software and such. Finally, one inarguably good invention is the refrigerator. It stores food like a cabinet and cools it to keep it from rotting days after it normally would. So, it saves food and garbage and money.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Contributions of Carbon Dioxide Removal as Geoengineering Solution to Climate Change

Contributions of Carbon Dioxide Removal as Geoengineering Solution to Climate Change Abstraction Climate Change I will hold an overview and a speedy treatment on clime alteration as an debut for the paper. Geoengineering Technologies When it comes to environmental direction you can non acquire any longer banal today than a focal point on clime alteration, nevertheless, I wish to undertake this subject in a alone manner. While I plan on discoursing green engineering and C caps, the chief focal point of my paper will be on clime technology besides known as geoengineering. Geoengineering, in my sentiment, is frequently a forbidden subject as many see human accommodation of the natural order to be avoided at all cost. I feel this to be a subset of the realistic false belief. The fact of the affair is that if worlds expect to stabilise the clime, they need to take a more active function on it. Geongineering engineerings chief end is Geoengineering engineerings fall under two classs: ( 1 ) Carbon Dioxide Removal ( CDR ) which â€Å" reference warming effects of nursery gases by taking C dioxide from the ambiance † ; and ( 2 ) Solar Radiation Management ( SRM ) which, on the other manus, â€Å" address clime alteration by increasing the coefficient of reflection of the Earth ‘s ambiance or surface† ( Bracmort, K. , & A ; Lattanzio, R.K. , 2013 ) . Such illustrations of CDR are carbon gaining control and segregation ( CCS ) , ocean fertilisation, enhanced weathering, and afforestation while illustrations of SRM are aerosol injection and space-based reflectors. While SRM methods purpose to cut down sunshine being absorbed by our ambiance, CDR methods work to take nursery gases from the ambiance or pin down it before even making the ambiance. Solar Radiation Management if to be cardinal manner of extenuating milliliter, utmost temperature displacements as a effect best deployed with other policies merely needed for utmost high clime sensitiveness cheap, fast, imperfect, but non proven. Warm really rapidly alterations may change precipitation forms saving of nursery gases other than co2 -less sum of uv radiation striking which might widen atmospheric life-time of ghg other than carbon dioxides recreation from more lasting solns unknown effects of large-scale geoengg Enhanced Albedo Features.Increase coefficient of reflection or reflective power of certain surfaces to direct more solar radiation back to the infinite. Limit temp addition. Targets are urban countries painting roofs and paved countries white with estimated monetary value of several billion dollars, but save money on energy costs Drawbacks may include uncomfortable blaze, concern for aesthetic entreaty of roof or paved country, loss of coefficient of reflection if unmaintained, addition in energy costs in colder climes due to cut down good winter clip heat additions, diminution in the usage of asphalt, a crude oil residue. Other techniques include modify workss thru familial engg to augment reflective power. Will take a decennary to be avaiable. Covering oceans with brooding surfaces to heighten reflective power. Impact in aquatic life? Cloud lightening. Dispersion of cloud-condensation karyon in clouds on continual footing. Satellites will mensurate cloud reflective power and determine sum of chilling needed. Could be halted rapidly and clouds could return to normal in a few yearss – long term deductions non yet known. Marine could be disturbed. Current position of the engineering.Surface types, application countries and costs under probe. USDOE NNSA reported lessening in edifice heat and chilling costs by around 70 % yearly on reroofed parts. Long term deductions non yet known. May disturb Marine wildlife.. ocean currents, precipitation forms sum of chilling needed and where.. research needed west seashore of North America could be†¦ Aerosol Injection Features.Under certain fortunes, usage of SRM techniques may take to ozone depletion. Dispersal of aerosols, such as H sulphide or sulfir dioxide in stratosphere to reflect solar radiation. Annual cost several billion of dollars depending on sum location typr of atoms injected seeks to copy big volcanic eruptions, cut down planetary temperatures S release are random with chilling impacts. It have to happen several times over decennaries or centuries to countervail radiative forcing by ghg short effectivity possible benefit: reduced or reversed sea and land ice runing, every bit long as aersols dont settle on or darken snow and ice hazards could be drought in Africa and Asia – loss in agricultural productiveness, ghg impact from transporting aersol to site of injection, stratopheric ozone depletion, weakening of sunshine for solar power, less bluish sky, obstructor of Earth-based optical uranology. Current position of the engineering.No testing yet. Space-based Reflectors Features.Shields in infinite to cut down sum of incoming solar radiation Effectiveness of shield vary on design, stuff, location, measure and care types suggested are lunar glass, aluminium yarn gauze, metallic reflecting gumshoes, refracting discs Proposed locations: low Earth orbit and Lagrange point 1 ( L1 ) four times further from Earth than the Moon Current position of the engineering.Theoretical Proposal. Requires extra survey to measure shield costs, execution ( transit, care demands, shield disposal ) ecological impacts Global or regional degree? A Shield to to the full change by reversal planetary heating May costs a few trillion dollars, implemented over 25 old ages Carbon Dioxide Removal Carbon Capture and Sequestration Features. Current position of the engineering. Afforestation Features.Afforestation is fundamentally seting of trees or tree seedlings. It is considered one of the safest manner to battle clime alteration. Restoration of wildlife and reduces the rate of eroding Current position of the engineering. Ocean Fertilization Features.Besides called Fe fertilisation, it is one of the oldest geoenginering engineering to battle clime alteration. The chief end is to straight or indirectly put Fe in to the deeps of the ocean to temporarily hive away C where it can non be exchanged with the ambiance. Stimulate phytoplankton growing by 30 % – 3 oceans Procedure involved in biological production, decomposition, and alimentary cycling in the unfastened ocean ( cite, day of the month ) . 1. Air and sea exchange C dioxide. 2. Phytoplanktons take up C dioxide to turn. 3. Zookplanktons and phytoplanktons respire C dioxide. 4. Fragments of disintegrating phytoplanktons and faecal pellets from zooplanktons both contain C. 5. Individually or in aggressions, called Marine snow, these carbon-containing atoms sink. 6. Merely 5 to 50 % of the entire C from bloom reaches 100 metres. About 2 to 25 % sinks between 100 to 500 metres. 7. Microbes decompose atoms further. Zooplanktons eat some of this stuff. 8. Possibly merely 1 to 15 % of the original C in surface Waterss sinks below 500 metres. 9. Carbon dioxide from organic affair respiration recirculates back to surface Waterss. 10. Zooplankton migrate up at dark to feed and endorse to the deepnesss during the twenty-four hours. Current position of the engineering. Merely two experiments conducted til 2007 to describe in 2nd stage. Efficiency of phytoplankton to sequester C is low. — makikita natin yun SA procedures explained above. Enhanced Weathering Features.Weathering/disintegration of silicate and carbonate stones to take carbon dioxide. Current position of the engineering. Discussion The Future of Carbon Dioxide Removal Recent Developments Costss and Economic Potential Some can be done with merely a comparatively little sum of money and you can see fiscal payback†¦ The two cheapest geoengineering engineerings are afforestation and aerosols. The former is safe but it merely has limited effectiveness and will wait for at least 20 old ages to cognize its effects on clime alteration. The latter is what they call the ideal method because it is really effectual and inexpensive at the same clip. However, it can besides present unwanted side effects, therefore, has high degree of uncertainness. Environmental Risks and Restrictions Every thing has a hazard of its ain. If miscalculated, these geoengineering engineerings may present some great impact to the environment, may hold negative effects, and/or may be deemed uneffective. It may non be avoided since there are besides external factors like natural alterations, catastrophes, and even alterations in carnal behaviour. The lone inquiry is, is this the hazard we are willing to take? Decision Mentions Bracmort, K. & A ; Lattanzio, R.K. ( 2013 ) . Geoengineering: Administration and Technology Policy ( CRS Report ) . Retrieved from Federation of American Scientists web site: hypertext transfer protocol: // Caldeira, K. , Bala, G. , & A ; Cao, L. ( 2013 ) . The scientific discipline of geoengineering. The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 41, 231-56. Department of the Interior: 10.1146/annurev-earth 042711-105548 Hartman, J. , West, A.J. , Renforth, P. , Kohler, P. , De La Rocha, C.L. , Wolf-Gladrow, D.A. , Durr, H.H. , Scheffran, J. ( 2013 ) . Enhanced chemical weathering as a geoengineering scheme to cut down atmospheric C dioxide, supply foods, and extenuate ocean acidification. Reviews of Geophysics 51, 113-149. Department of the Interior: 10.1002/rog.20004 Kriegler, E. , Edenhofer, O. , Reuster, L. , Gunnar, L. , & A ; Klein, D. ( 2013 ) . Is atmospheric C dioxide removal a game modifier for clime alteration extenuation. Climatic Change 118, 45-57. Department of the Interior: 10.1007/s10584-012-0681-4 Lackner, K.S. , Grimes, P. , & A ; Ziock, H.J. ( n.d. ) . Capturing C dioxide from air. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Tables and Figures

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Can My Parents See My Grades for College

For various reasons, many parents of college students think they should be able to see their students grades. But wanting to and being legally allowed to are two different situations. You may not want to show your grades to your parents but they may feel entitled to them anyway. And, surprisingly, your parents may have been told by the university that the college is unable to give out your grades to anyone but you. So whats the deal? Your Records and FERPA While a college student, you are protected by a law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Among other things, FERPA protects information that belongs to you—like your grades, your disciplinary record, and your medical records when you visit the campus health center—from other people, including your parents. There are, of course, some exceptions to this rule. If you are under 18, your FERPA rights may be a little different than those of your over-18 peers. Additionally, you can sign a waiver that allows the school to talk to your parents (or someone else) about some of your privileged information since you granted the school permission to do so. Lastly, some schools will consider waiving FERPA if they feel there is an extenuating circumstance that warrants doing so. (For example, if youve engaged in a serious pattern of binge drinking and have landed yourself in the hospital, the university might consider waiving FERPA to notify your parents of the situation.) So what does FERPA mean when it comes to your parents seeing your grades for college? In essence: FERPA prevents your parents from seeing your grades unless you grant the institution permission to do so. Even if your parents call and yell, even if they threaten not to pay your tuition next semester, even if they beg and plead ... the school will most likely not give out your grades to them via phone or email or even snail mail. Why Parents May Conflict With FERPA The relationship between you and your parents, of course, might be a little different than the one the federal government has set up for you through FERPA. Many parents feel that because they pay for your tuition (and/or living expenses and/or spending money and/or anything else), they have the right—legal or otherwise—to make sure that you are doing well and at least making solid academic progress (or at least not on academic probation). Other parents have certain expectations about, say, what your GPA should be or which classes you should be taking, and seeing a copy of your grades every semester or quarter helps verify that you are following their preferred course of study. How you negotiate letting your parents see your grades is, of course, a very individual decision. Technically, through FERPA, you can keep that information to yourself. What doing so does to your relationship with your parents, however, can be a totally different story. Most students share their grades with their parents but each student, of course, must negotiate that choice for himself or herself. Keep in mind that, whatever your decision, your school will likely set up a system that supports your choice. After all, you are approaching independent adulthood, and with that increased responsibility comes increased power and decision-making.